On the occasion of the participation of the director of the chair in the Scholas Congress in Jerusalem, a meeting was organized with academics and religious leaders of different faiths to promote the development of a European research proposal on the impact that religious beliefs have on consumption responsable. The meeting took place at the Trumen Institute of the Hebrew University on July 6th, 2017, with the participation of: Rabbi Yonatan Neril (Israel), Dr Mustafa Cenap Aydin (Turkey), Prof. Dr. Angelo Paletta (Italy), Dr. María Cinque (Italy), Dr. Osvaldo Cano Torres (Colombia), Dr. Hilary F. Marlow (UK), Dr. Eran Feitelson. Professor (Israel), Dr. Gerald Cattaro (USA), Dr. Emilio Chuvieco (UAH) and Dr. Sílvia Albareda (UIC).
Possible ways of collaboration in this line were studied, as well as the willingness of those present to participate in a European initiative that facilitates research in this line of work.